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Become a member

FQH offers regular membership to research institutions working the fields of food and health and supporting membership to companies and organisations.

FQH also offers individual membership; this depends on research position and on the HDI of the country (see table below)

If you are interested or require further information, please contact a member of the board.

FQH Membership Fees

Membership typeAnnual membership fee

Individual fees (according to country HDI)

  • Standard
  • PhD, MSc students
  • Retirees, unemployed

Very high (>0.80)

  • 80 Euro
  • 40 Euro
  • 40 Euro

High (0.70-0.79)

  • 40 Euro
  • 20 Euro
  • 20 Euro

Medium (0,55-0,69)

  • 20 Euro
  • 10 Euro
  • 10 Euro

Low (<0.55)

  • 10 Euro
  • 5 Euro
  • 5 Euro

Institutional fees

  • university, research institute, etc.


  • 1.000 Euro

Support fees

  • company, organisation, etc.


  • 1.000 Euro


Digital Membership Application Form

Full Name and Title(s)

Please enter your full name and any relevant titles (e.g. Dr., Prof., etc.):

Membership category

Please select the membership category you are appliying for:

Membership category *

Organisation Information (Institutional Membership only)

If applying for Institutional Membership, please provide the full legal name of your organisation:


Provide your personal address for Individual or Support Memberships, or the organisation's address for Institutional Membership:

Contact information

Current fonction or role
Membership Motivation (optional)
Additional information (optional)
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